WICI KPI Concept
Concept Paper on WICI KPI in Business Reporting ver.1
(last update on July 2010)

Summary of Concept Paper

We think that it is important to provide KPIs as factors which impact the corporate value creation and integrate them into business reporting to make the data and information more accessible, comparable and credible. “Concept Paper on WICI KPI in Business Reporting ver.1” (last updated on July 2010) introduces features of WICI KPIs and we will develop them based on this concept.


Generic KPIs

WICI has established a generic KPIs which companies can select amid the provided set of those indicators that they think to be the most appropriate to represent their own value creation mechanism.

- List of Generic WICI-KPIs


Industry KPI Projects

The following initiatives are active projects to develop industry-specific KPIs.  The KPIs are developed for the industries listed below based on the idea of the WICI Concept Paper.  The KPIs with related definitions are included in the WICI Taxonomy.  

Industry Jurisdiction download
Oil and Gas NIBR/WICI Italy Oil and Gas sector WICI KPIs
Electricity Sector WICI Europe Electricity Sector KPI
Mining Joint WICI US/Gartner Download here.
High Technology Joint WICI US/Gartner Download here.
Automotive WICI Japan Automotive Sector KPIs (Interim Version 1.0)
Case Study: CSR Report 2009 of Nissan Motor Co., Ltd
Electronic Devices WICI Japan Electronics Devices Sector KPIs (Interim Version 1.0)
Case Study: Targets and Results of CSR Activities of TDK Corporation
Pharmaceuticals WICI Japan Pharmaceuticals Sector KPIs (Interim Version 1.0)
Case Study: CSR Report 2009 of Eisai Co., Ltd.
Telecommunications Joint WICI Europe-EFFAS KPIs Task Force Telecommunication Sector KPIs (Interim Version 1.0)
Fashion and Luxury Joint WICI Europe-EFFAS KPIs Task Force Fashion and Luxury Sector KPIs (Interim Version 1.0)


The Industry WICI-KPIs are the outcome of a rigorous due process which consists of the following steps:

- A WICI regional/national jurisdiction is attributed by the WICI Governance Group the task of elaborating a given industry KPIs orientated towards value creation through intangibles.

- The WICI regional/national jurisdiction in charge sets up a focus group composed of experts on the selected industry with differentiated expertise. Members of this focus group generally are representative of corporate managers, specialised consultants, financial analysts professionally following that sector, academics, auditors, and possibly investors.

- The focus group develops a first draft of the WICI-KPIs referring to that industry, indicating the composition of each KPI and also distinguishing between "nice to have" and "must have" KPIs.

- This first draft is circulated amid other experts of the industry - also outside the WICI members - belonging to the same regional/national jurisdiction so to get some ad hoc comments and suggestions.

- The comments and suggestions received are evaluated and, in case, included in the initial industry KPIs document in order to formulate a more advanced draft.

- This draft document is then circulated among the other WICI regional/national jurisdictions worldwide with the aim of receiving within a set period of time further comments and suggestions by experts which are outside the original jurisdiction and also outside WICI members, in order to reach a global consensus on the WICI-KPIs formulated for that particular industry.

- The initial focus group reviews, assesses and, in case, incorporates these international commentaries, and it produces the final consensus version of the WICI-KPIs for the selected industry to be published in the pertinent section of the WICI website.